
Fiona Geddes

AKA the idiot who let the team decide their own titles!

Fiona is an actress, theatre maker and producer who trained at East 15 Acting School. She founded Kidder in 2013 after 6 years working in the industry and went on to write, perform and produce the company's first play, Normal/Madness.


Jessica Beck

Dr. Universe

Jessica was the inspirer behind the company's first production and the establishment of Kidder. Having worked extensively in the industry, she specialises in creating work from scratch and came on board to work as Director and Dramaturg on Normal/Madness. And we never let her go!!


Katharina Reinthaller

Master of the Universe

On their search to find an Assistant Director for Normal/Madness, Jessica and Fiona found Katharina and they couldn't believe their luck! Katharina is an absolute diamond and very quickly it became evident she was a keeper. It didn't take her long to go from Assistant to Associate and finally to a leading member of the Kidder creative team.